Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 3

Before I start on my post, I found a really good article that was written by Jon Krakauer in response to the Critisizm that the Church of LDS gave his book. ----->     Response Article


Krakauer finishes off Part I of the book with a specific story of a man named Crossfield. Crossfield was in a hospital bed when he looks over to see some books the nurse or someone had brought in earlier. One of the books was The book of Mormon. He was moved by boredom to open up the book and read. When he finished the book, he was visited by God, who told Crossfield that the book was all true. Crossfield, who wasn't religious, switched to take part in the mormon religion. Meanwhile, he was visited again by God, and told to write a book which he called The Second Book of Commandments. When the Church of LDS got their hands on the book and read it for themselves, they had Crossfield excommunicated from the church. He was a true believer and continued to go to church even after his excommunication until they eventually told him he wasn't allowed to come back. Crossfield is still an honest follower of the religion though he is not accepted in the church.


The whole book so far has been about stories of mormon people and and the history of the religion. I thought the book would be much more about the Lafferty brothers and the crime they had done. It is getting a little bit boring and it drags on a tad. However,  I am still very much enjoying the book.

                  Church of Latter Day Saints                                      Cover of The Book of Mormon


The focus for this week was to try to pay attention and learn a lot about a certain character. The character I chose to try to really focus on was Robert Crossfield. I did some research on him to and I found a website that talks about his story (Link Below). While reading the book, he seemed like a nice, honest man. However, a lady interviewed says he was quite a "weird and creepy" man. He would have long suspicious talks with this woman's father. She says "My friends and I were terrified that we may have to marry him as soon as we turned fourteen." So now I can't really tell if this man is very good or not. He did get banned from the church from trying to speak his outspoken views. He is definitely a peculiar character and I'd like to hear more about him later in the book.

Link to Crossfield site ----> Crossfield

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you did some good research this week. Nice job.
    Summary- 5/5
    Review- 5/5
    Focus- 5/5
    Sources- 5/5
    Pictures/video- 4/5
    Grammar/spelling- 5/5
    Total- 29/30
